Thursday, January 26, 2006


Welcome to the Get on the Bus blog. Get on the Bus is a project of Amnesty International Group 133 in Somerville, MA. For the past ten years, the volunteers of Group 133 have organized a day of activism and human rights education in New York City every April. GOTB has become the largest volunteer-led Amnesty International event in the United States!

This year is our eleventh anniversary. On Friday, April 21, more than 1500 activists from high school, college and local Amnesty groups in the Northeast and the mid-Atlantic will converge on Manhattan to demonstrate against human rights abuses around the world.

This blog is the place to get the latest updates on the demonstrations, speakers, human rights issues. We will also post important information about event logistics and volunteer needs here, so it's readily accessible and you can learn what's happening and how to be a part of this huge event. Even if you can't come to New York on April 21, you may still be able to participate by holding a solidarity demonstration in your city.

Keep checking this space between now and April 21 to learn the latest!

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