We had a protest action to stop violence against women in Guatemala in San Francisco on Get On The Bus Day as a solidarity action with the Guatemala action in New York.
On Friday afternoon, we gathered at the busy corner of Market and Powell Streets in downtown San Francisco to protest the murders of hunderds of women
in Guatemala, and collect signatures on letters and petitions to be sent to President Berger. We held the "No Una Mas!" signs made for the Get On The Bus Guatemala action and an Amnesty banner, and had laid out small pink crosses with the names of some of the victims written on them on the sidewalk.
At one point the names of murdered women were called out, followed by the word "presente" to indicate that the murdered women and girls were with us in spirit. Furthermore, we listened to the moving story told through the bull horn by one of us, a young women who was Guatemalan herself.
A small delegation from Amnesty met with Consul General Patricia Santizo de Calderon. The delegation discussed our concerns with the Consul General, and offered her the Amnesty report on the issue and dozens of signed letters and petitions for president Berger of Guatemala. The Consul General was empathetic with our message and promised her cooperation in bringing this matter under the attention of the Guatemalan
Thanks to everyone who has helped organize and those who were present at the demonstration for their help and support!
-- Marijke Haverkorn
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