Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Sudanese human rights activist in Boston April 26

The Massachusetts Coalition to Save Darfur has just announced that Salih Mahmoud Osman, a prominent Fur (from Darfur) and internationally respected human rights lawyer will be speaking on April 26 at 12 noon at 126 High Street in Boston, on the 9th Floor.

Salih Mahmoud Osman,
an attorney with the Sudan Organization Against Torture, has given free legal representation to those who have been arbitrarily detained and tortured by the Sudanese government and continues to do his work at great personal risk. Because of his activities, he has been imprisoned three times. He currently belongs to the opposition in the Sudanese government where he is a member of the parliament. He was honored by Human Rights Watch as one of the premier human rights defenders in the world in November, 2005.

Please RSVP to Sifa Nsengimana at 617-457-8677.

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